WEEE! I think my bloggary mood returned to me! Finally! I thought it'd take a long time before I could make a proper post! I just hate doing something when my heart's not into it. So anyways, since I've got a lot of typing to do and I don't know how to add that spoiler thing in my posts yet...I could only give SUBTITLES to ease the pain of reading such a looong post
another reason why I haven't made a proper update is because of HELL WEEK a.k.a our 3rd Periodical Examinations! I thought I'd do better this grading but turns out I went from bad to worse. For the 3 days, I didnt EXACTLY study. I prefer calling it last-scanning-of-notes-on-the-morning-of-the-tests. If you asked how I did...I simply relied on my instincts. Especially in a multiplication type of test. I just close my eyes and whichever letter would go gold in my mind thats the answer! OR I'd use the very useful PINTOT-PINTOT SYSTEM. If you are not familiar with this system, it's pretty simple...you pick a letter by random or use the whole eeny-meeny-miny-mo way. So for sure, I dont expect to get high scores And I dont want to consume my post typing bout this too horrible to think about...
Yesterday, I went to mass with Mama and my lil' bro. I thought I'd just space out somewhere in the middle of it all. But the moment I saw who the Readers were, I was enlightened already! Why? Because while I saw them, THEY COULDN'T SEE ME NOR ANYONE. Yes, they were blind. Three blind children took their turn reading out the Word of God. I know Braille is already invented and all but just seeing them up there, doing something not all could or would do is just...wow. Plus the fact that while the priest was talking he did sign language too. The bottom line of this is there is no reason to not be able to do something. None at all. Instead, people just make excuses to avoid facing what they are afraid of doing
Thanks to certain relatives who are very generous this season, I am no longer broke! Well, not oozing green either but at least I have enough moolah to get each member of my family a gift. Only thing is they are clueless of my secret santa ways. I've been known to be a little tight when it comes to holiday cash since it's either only this time of the year or during my Birthday when I receive chachings yehp...I have NO allowance So I buy whatever I want to buy which my 'rents would never pay for. But for some reason, thinking about giving MY gift to others made me feel all jumpy and excited than when I'd buy something for myself. But I will admit it's not easy. Escpecially the SECRET part>< class="Apple-style-span" color="#FFCC66">bittersweet feeling I get thinking how much I've used up already for gifts! most extravagant Christmas spending yet. But the when I think about all those years wherein I didn't give any gifts to my family, all those birthdays, anniversaries...then it seems that what Ive spent isnt that big at all...
To be honest, I visit this blog almost daily. I just cant stay away. I love escaping to this special place of mine. I feel at ease just visiting since either my body is too worn out or my brain and heart refuse to cooperate when to make a new post.
SO yeah, even though I posted what I posted in my last post I got something from an affie-slash-friend that might be the reason why my post is so long ...
Aaawe! At first glance, I found it really really cute and thoughtful! And the more I looked at it, I went all light and typy...And I have my affie KITTY to thank for that...
To Kitty:
I really appreciate you making this gift, not just for me but for all your affies! I hope you know how much this made my day. Sadly, I cant seem to make one as nice as this to send back to you since I am clueless with photoshop and the like Still I do wish you the MerriEST and HappiEST HOLIDAYS ^^...I thank dear bloggie and of course the Father for letting me meet someone like you