WARNING: Im Rambling >o<

I am blogging as a last result to maybe cure my boredomiginitis*http://emo.huhiho.com. No, I am not bored because there's nothin to do. I had my plurk, facebook, ym and even youtube and someone else's facebook opened but I didn't really have my heart into any of it so I left it all. http://emo.huhiho.com

I just noticed how people would always resort to multitasking as a way to get a lot of things done in a short time. But as I've come to see it, when I'm multitasking, Im loosing a much. Oh great irony!http://emo.huhiho.com. Yeah yeah, I may not be huge fan of it right now but I'd be lying if I say I never had those 3-things-in-one-go moments...because I do have...all the time...out of in-a-rush-habitshttp://emo.huhiho.com, and though I do get things done, I've missed a lot by being too..well, in a rushhttp://emo.huhiho.com. It's like when I have this tab open for my cafe world, then another one for my plurk, all so that I could maintain both my karma and buzz rate...then bam! It hits me...these things are supposed to be for enjoyment...for stress-relievers..and not stress-causershttp://emo.huhiho.com (is there even a word XD) But noo...my competitiveness is in the way ...Because whether we're conscious of it or not, we look at life and part of it (like he internet) as competition...who gets the most friends in facebook, the most fans, the greatest value in Friends for Sale ( Ha! I bet some are having those guitly grins right nowhttp://emo.huhiho.com!) and blah blah blahhttp://emo.huhiho.com

Ok ok...I know what I;m typing isn't really that interesting but I just had to do somethin to let it out or I might be all glummy-dummy for the whole night! And wow! it worked! Am feeling much better nowhttp://emo.huhiho.com! Instead of making a better continuation to this post..Am just gonna spare those who are reading this from having to deal with a whole page post! So I might just post again tomorrow

P.S. Leaving those whom I chatted in YM was totally worth it ...I had 4 people with me and I couldnt take it http://emo.huhiho.comXD
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