
This last week has been really nerve-wrecking for me. I had to DEBATE during the UP AcadFest! And FYI, I am not the type who rejoices speaking in front of a crowd. A lot happened but if I wrote it all down...I'd bore you to death...so here are just the more or less important ones...

1. My bestfriend and I only made it to the semi http://emo.huhiho.com(our competition: juniors and seniors...)
2. Our other team won!http://emo.huhiho.com
3. I heart my outfit http://emo.huhiho.com(I'd like to share it here..but am infected with the lazy bug at the moment)

I don't really want to blab that much about the debate and all since until now, I STILL FEEL NERVOUS! (Must be the after shock of it all)..So switching topic...*switch switch*http://emo.huhiho.com

SEMBREAK IS HEEERE! http://emo.huhiho.com

Those are both tears of joy AND sadness...I mean I'm happy I finally have time to do important stuffs (like internet bonding XD?) and relax and time to try to catch up with the notes and schoolwork...But, for one whole week, I was separated with my class! Missing all the discussions, activities, tests and not to mention all my job as a treasurer in class!!! http://emo.huhiho.comHow the heck am I suppose to catch up? I have no idea! I am suffering Missingectamy right now ...http://emo.huhiho.com


I wish upon ever first star I see every night that everything will turn out right...http://emo.huhiho.com


Note: Missingectamy(n)...the state/disease when your missing something or someone and you cant shrug the feeling off....found in only one dictionary..The CABUY Dictionary, an unpublished dictionary by Shei and her bestfriend XD
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